December 22, 2008

December 2, 2008

"When I performed on television I shook my pelvis"

The Wax Museum is "a 4th grade project where students study a historical person and prepare a speech recounting their subject’s life. The students then dress up as their historical figure and share their speeches. This is Elvis!!!"

Museum Educators -- check out more on the Teacher Tube site while you are there. Great insight on what teachers do and want in their museum visit.

Elvis's life in 4 minutes, my teacher never did cool stuff like that, we only got to cut out dinosaurs out of paper.


TeacherTube - Wax Museum - Elvis Presley:

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art

An award winning video by Philip Scott Johnson

Nominated as Most Creative Video
2007 YouTube Awards

May inspire me to go visit an art museum.

November 21, 2008

Amazing Find Friday

From Wired comes a story and video of an amazing feat of fake photography. The video features Corey Keller, the curator of a new exhibit,

The remarkable photos of the craters on the moon were made of..... plaster.

November 20, 2008

Little Monsters

I am always looking at unusual things the web can do. The above photo shows a 3-d monster appearing on my computer via a flash based web app. If you have a web cam and a printer, you might want to try it. My mind is spinning with applications for a museum exhibit, I haven't seen it used in green screen applications yet.

To try for yourself, visit here.

Thank you to Bb Offworld
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November 19, 2008

The Sugar Frosted Cereal Museum Pool

I got a little nostalgic browsing this amazing collection of sugar coated goodness on Flickr.

Flickr: The Sugar Frosted Cereal Museum Pool

Truth is, my mother never let us eat these.

November 12, 2008

Nano Old Masters in protien

(Nanowerk News) Canadian researchers have created a new protein patterning technique that's enabled them to reproduce complex cellular environments and a miniature version of a masterpiece painting.

I wouldn't want to try and put an accession number on that one.

November 11, 2008

Antiques Roadshow Spoof

I don't get to watch the show too often since I don't have a TV. This is aporomo for an album released a few months ago.

Not sure why Jack White put out the video now.

Wish I could find me a rack-on-tour like that one.

November 7, 2008

The Commercial-News, Danville, IL - County museum exhibit combines trains, floral settings


County museum exhibit combines trains, floral settings


DANVILLE — Bloomin’ Rails, a model train and floral exhibit, will open at the Vermilion County Museum, at 116 N. Gilbert St. just in time for the holidays.
This unique exhibit will open to the public Saturday.
The presentation will feature the model trains and buildings of Dr. and Mrs. John Legett, set amidst floral and landscape arrangements by Danville Gardens and Berry’s Garden Center and Floral Shop. Members of the Danville Junction chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society are laying the track for this display.

The Commercial-News, Danville, IL - County museum exhibit combines trains, floral settings

I can just imagine the conversation at the board members cocktail party…  “We should out out the trains, people like them.”  “People like flowers too.”  “I got a great idea, lets do trains and flowers!”

Titanic beer launched; Koeneke starts Thirsty Boy - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:


Titanic beer launched in honor of museum exhibit

The Milwaukee Public Museum has teamed up with Lakefront Brewery Inc. for the launch of Titanic Pilsner.

The limited edition brew is being produced in recognition of “Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition,” showing at the museum through May 25, 2009.

“We like to call attention to our exhibits in a variety of ways and beer was a big part of the beverages that were available on the Titanic,” museum spokeswoman Mary Bridges said.

According to the Titanic Pilsner label, there is still debate about how many bottles of beer were aboard the ship when it shoved off, indicating perhaps as many as 20,000.

“What’s clear is that the vast majority of them remain with her today as artifacts in the icy Atlantic,” the label states.

Titanic Pilsner is being sold in 22-ounce bottles in bars and select retail establishments in the Milwaukee area and at the Lakefront Brewery, 1872 Commerce St., Milwaukee. Each bottle includes a coupon for a $2 admission discount to the exhibit.

Titanic beer launched; Koeneke starts Thirsty Boy - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

October 27, 2008

Multicolr Search Lab - Idée Inc.


I love this color matching web app.  You input any color combinations—it searches flickr for photos that match the palette.


I need to use this when I pick colors for my house.

Multicolr Search Lab - Idée Inc.

Technorati Tags:

October 1, 2008

Holodeck Technology available now

I will leave the description in the hands of the developer, he went places I didn'think about:

"This tactile display enables tactile feedback superimposed over 3D graphics projected in free space, which provides more intuitive handling of 3D "touchable" graphics. For example, users could touch Princess Leia projected in the air.

I was thinking of using it in a museum exhibit.

The History of Transportation

August 16, 2008

Honey, how long until dinner is ready?

"Just another 30 miles dear, I can smell the pot roast now."

If that peeks your interest you might be interested in this link

August 10, 2008

I think your Model T is running a little rich.

Sir, please don't step behnd the barriers

At least don't post pictures of your rule breaking.
That car is worth more than your house, don't touch the fiberglass.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

August 7, 2008

How much do goosebumps cost?

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It depends where you are and what you are doing.
Creepy Snake or bug in your garden= Free
Scary movie= $12.00
Lighting system to jazz up the Great Hall =???

On-Line Exhibition Awesomeness

The National Library of Ireland is offering a virtual tour of the exhibition “The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats” on the award-winning Yeats Exhibition homepage.

Click here to see more, beautiful to look at.


After you look at it for awhile, tell me,

Is it based on a real 3-D exhibit or just built to look like that.

need to find out more, props on the meta-data.

August 5, 2008

We love models

When designing a new exhibit, it is helpful to build a white model early in the schematic phase. A white model is a small scale architectural model. They are often not very deeply detailed and are only built to study the mass and density of the exhibit elements and artifacts.

This one actually has a lot of detail. It’s a series of buildings in the village. Everyone who stops by our offices is intrigued by it.

You can go visit it , let me know how it is.

>> Sound of Model-T horn<<<

August 4, 2008

The Machine Is Using Us

Very well done, kudos

Try this's worth it.

A very fun Flickr interface for browsing photos.

Enter Henry Ford Museum at the "Enter Initial Tag promt.

The "solar system" will allow you to see connections Flickr users have made to THF.

2.0 in action

Fun and beautifull!
click this

A Trip to the Archives

I was noodleing around working on some ideas for an exhibit on American literature. I took a trip to the Archives with Lisa. I forgot how cool the stacks are and how much stuff we have.

The photo above is a rare behind peek at the well organized stacks.

August 3, 2008

Web 2.0 can help us catalouge our collection

I found several references today about museums letting the public tag ther photos.

The Power House Museum noted:

"We have started presenting the tags that Flickr users have left on our images in the Commons on Flickr in their associated collection records in our online collection database. What this means is that the large number of tags added to our photographic collection in Flickr now are available in our OPAC to help others navigate the rest of our OPAC and connect with similar objects not available in the Commons and not in Flickr
More at:

(Still trying to learn html...)

An anthropological introduction to YouTube

There is a feed of user generated videos at the very bottom of this page. Videos of people making THF thier own. This video does a fantastic job of summing up the cultural meaning of all of this. Its kind of long, but well done and makes you want to dance.

From the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.

Extinct, my ASS! from The Original Joe Fisher on Vimeo.

Perhaps we can re work the wayfinding in the museum this way

See more at

August 2, 2008

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